Saturday, October 11, 2008

Stretch, stretch and stretch

This morning I joined the Adidas King of the Road 10-km event. There were 5,000 registered runners. I just don't know if all those who registered actually ran, or just registered for the Adidas singlets that were given away.

Anyway, the event started promptly and for a while, I was in a panic because I still did not get to do my stretching exercises. Fortunately, I was able to find a space in the crowd where I was able to do some stretches. After the 10-km run, I also made sure I did the stretches again right after the run and even when I got home. It totally paid off because I did not feel sore at all. I'm sure the 8 weeks of training also contributed to my conditioning but the stretches were the major keystones. I will share with you some of the key stretches that were discussed in my favorite book Running for Fitness.

There are 8 key stretches for runners: the hamstrings, calves (gastrocnemius and soleus), quadriceps, back, hip flexors, groin and iliotibial band. The right way to do the stretches is to perform the action and to hold the position for 30 seconds before releasing.

1) Hamstrings:lying & standing 2) Gastroc 3) Soleus 4) Quads

5) Lower Back: lying & sitting 6) Hip Flexor 7) Groin 8) Iliotibial Band

According to this book, it is more important to stretch after the run than before the run. The function of stretching is to facilitate muscle recovery, reduce soreness and reduce the risk of injury. So if you want to maintain that running form, don't forget to stretch, stretch and stretch.